IT 之悲劇 – 第五篇 –「人生需要 init 6」(1)
If A equals success, then the form...
If A equals success, then the form...
我:「下,咩冷靜d,咩意思呀?」 我此刻真係好唔冷靜,追問究竟。 曉...
我:「呀? 唔好意思呀,冇為意。叫錯左。……...
「Being busy doesn’t always m...
俾Billy 咁講又有番D 衝勁,似乎唔係得做白痴 set 機裝機野...
「When work is a pleasure , life is...
我地坐左成粒鐘,都未入到去驗傷。心諗真係煩到嘔,Kathy 講得岩,...
「Work banishes those three great e...
「It is no use doing what you like;...